In world, you manage your own company with employees, machines and production management. The aim of this online firm simulation game is to build the better firm of Simuland. Step by step, you will take orders to adjust your strategy in order to be better than your other competitors and increase your market parts.
To manage your firm, several pages are there to help you to take good choices.
You can read a description of this pages below:
Page Results
Purpose of the page
to Make a synthesis of the previous tour and to allow you to see at a glance what goes or does not go to your company. It is an indispensable passage before making a decision concerning your company, in the various pages described below.
- Classification of your company
- Variation of the figure of business of your company
- Expenditures and revenue
- Productions and blow
associated Decisions
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Page Employees
Page goal
Summaries all employees data (about workers, commercial people, …).You can decide there to hire, fire, improve training rate of your employees, increase or decrease there salary…
If you increase the number of workers you will be able to produce more, for instance.
Just be very careful with the level of training of your workers, because it impacts on the machine where they can work on.
- Workers : number, salaries, training, moral
Associated choices
- Workers : number, salaries, training investment
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Page Machines
Purpose of the page
This page allows to manage all which concerns your machines: purchase, sell and repair. For each machine, we find:
- Workers: numbers of workers working on this machine, maximum number of workers, rate of occupation
- Production: number of made products, counts of products maximum which we can produce, productivity li>
- Other: energy consumption, number of tours of use, rate of wear
associated Decisions
- Hatch: purchases, sells, repairs
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Page Production
Purpose of the page
You will see the number of made products, the demand of the market for your products, number of products sold to this tour(ballot) and the state of your stock there.
Pay attention to have too much stock car it be expensive. It is sometimes better to produce less than to spend some money on its stock.
The ideal thus is to produce in tense stream, but only a good experience on will allow you to arrive there.
- Production: numbers, salaries, formation, morale
- Management of the stock: numbers, salaries, formation, morale
- Summary
associated Decisions
- Products: numbers, price
- Raw materials: choice of your supplier of raw materials
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Page Infrastructures
Page goal
To manage your firm infrastructure. In your firm space you can build 3 sorts of buildings: working place, factory, and warehouse.
- In the working space all the management is done there, all provider contacts, all financial tasks and human resources too.
- In the factory, the workers work on the machines.
- The warehouse is useful to put your products.
- Firm : area, area utilization rate
- Warehouse : area, area utilization rate
- Factory : area, area utilization rate
- Working space : area, area utilization rate
Associated orders
- Firm: area
- Warehouse: area
- Factory: area
- Working space: area
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Page Marketing
Aim of the page
This page lets you manage the marketing. You can look at and control the investments about ads and R&D, then watch the impact on your market share.
- Market evolution : demand, evolution of demand, your market share
- Advertisement : budget for previous turn and fame mark
- Research & Development : budget for previous turn and level
- Quality of the parts : level of quality perceived by customers
Associated decisions
- Advertisement : budget
- R&D : budget
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Page Accounting
Page goal
You can manage all financial aspects of your firm. On the top, there is a summary of associated results, and below all data are explained.
- Finances : cash, income, outcome, company value
- Income explanation: product sale, loans, …
- Outcome explanation: employees, products, machines, ...
Associated orders
- Loans : choice to buy one
- Stock exchange : Buy or sell stocks
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Page Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
But de la page
This page allows you to manage everything related to your company's CSR. There are 3 sections:
- Environmental component
- Social aspect
- Societal component
- RSE KPI (green, orange, red)
Associated Decisions
- Buying trees to plant: improves your CO2 balance
- Contribute to humanitarian missions: for the societal aspect
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Page Stock Exchange
Purpose of the page
This page allows you to manage everything related to the stock portfolio of your company. At the top of the page, find the available share prices of the market (to purchase or sale), then a summary of your stock market portfolio, then its detail and finally the history of your purchases / sales.
- Share values in the market
Associated Decisions
- Purchase (for each share): allow to increase your share number in your portfolio
- Sell (for each share) : allow to decrease your share number in your portfolio
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