The world is changing at Simuland fixed hours! Each party is changing at a given time
and not continuously.
Most parties are held every 3 hours: 2h, 5h, 8h, 11h, 14h, 17h, 20h, 23h (GMT +1 hour).
The hours of the next round is listed in the left sidebar of the info: Upcoming tour.
At the designated time, the virtual world evolves by taking all the decisions of participants into account.
The virtual world in which you play is changing: the indicators are recalculated and you make your decisions for the next round.
And so it is more.
Of course, if you go back several times during the same turn, the results will therefore remain unchanged.
The length of a tower is 1h, 2h, 3h or 6h. Indeed, when we create a party,
we set the duration of a tour: very fast (round = 1 hour), fast (round = 2h),
normal part (round = 3h), or slow part (round = 6h).
During these 1, 2 or 3 hours, you can give your decisions. They will be taken into account at the end of this
period. Then you can see the results of the tour and you'll once again time to
spend your decisions so that your company gains market share in each round.
The time of the next turn is displayed in the box at the top left section "Next turn". You can select your time zone in the "Show my profile".
It may happen that the message "Coming Soon" appears in this box Instead of the usual hour minute display. This means that we are doing change the world of Simuland. The number of players growing strongly, we need a few minutes for the calculations to pass from one tower to be done.