Beginning : 13/01
Duration of the turns : 60min
Turn n° : 20 / 150
Entry in the game |
: |
your ranking |
: - you have to login before playing - |
Your funds |
: |
Value of the company |
: |
next turn 18 h 00 |
Player ranking
Position |
Player |
Level |
Value of the company |
1 |
Quaes_ |
$641,682 ($+3,155 ) |
? : New companies entered in the game on this turn and not yet ranked
Top 3 players for
Market share
Position | Player | Share (in %) |
1 | Quaes_ | 100 |
Fame mark
Position | Player | Fame mark |
1 | Quaes_ | 166 |
Position | Player | Quality |
1 | Quaes_ | Average |
Position | Player | R&D |
1 | Quaes_ | 8 |
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Position | Player | RSE |
1 | Quaes_ | 32 |
Hotel Statistics
Hotels |
Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 |
Building average number |
3 | 0 | 0 |
Average room rental number |
72 | 0 | 0 |
Employee average number |
14 | 0 | 0 |
Average wear rate |
38 % | 0 % | 0 % |
part statistics
Demand |
Total demand |
85 |
Average demand |
85 |
Selling price |
Average rental price of the turn |
$979 |
Average rental price of the turn + 1 |
$969 |
Average rental price of the turn + 2 |
$953 |
Average rental price of the turn + 3 |
$940 |
Workers stats
Average number of floor employees |
Average number of floor employees | 14 |
Average salary of floor employees |
Average salary of floor employees | $150 |
Average training rate of floor employees | 31 |
% |
Financial stats
Funds |
Average company reserves |
$-82,906 |